Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Weekend Update on a Wednesday

You know it has been a week when it's Wednesday and you are just getting around to blogging. The students are on Spring Break so I thought I would have time to get a lot done but work has been stressful with no one there and issues popping up. Add that to runny noses and coughs and late nights and it's Wednesday! But we had a great weekend and I want to share it.

Aiden and I started Friday was yummy treats from the bakery down the street - we were so good we only ate half of each. That was just enough sugar to convince him to go to Goodwill and we did a little damage there before heading home for dinner and playing outside in the extended sunlight.

Saturday we headed to church for family fun day and Felicity and I did a great job supervising all the fun relays! Aiden loved it and was so excited.

We figured since we were already sweaty we might as well give my car a much needed bath and a good vacuum and then reward ourselves with Sonic!

We came home for showers and put the finishing touches on a dinner for friends in our core group who have a new snuggly baby at home.

Peanut Butter Cookies

After we dropped dinner off we headed to Target for our weekly trip.

I taught a wild sweet room of 3 & 4 year olds about Jesus at church on Sunday and then we headed home.

Grandpa & Grandma came and picked up Aiden and Felicity for a fun day at the pool while Jesse and I headed out for a Disney date. It was a wonderful day and the park wasn't too full. We had some disappointing moments but over all it was good - the mine ride was down, which was the whole reason we went :( . We then headed to Downtown Disney for dinner nachos and a movie with my best friend and her hubs.

I hope everyone is having a wonderful week! 

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