Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Back to it!

         Yesterday I headed back to work after a weeklong company wide vacation (have I mentioned I love my job!) I am usually the person who still checks email even when I am not working but I forced myself to ignore the inbox on my phone for the week. The week started off a little rough with me catching the throw-up virus we have all been passing around, while I wanted to sleep in I didn’t intend to spend 2 days in bed. The rest of the week was spent attending Aiden’s school Thanksgiving party, doing little projects, and preparing for Thanksgiving. I read two books while on break – Nora Roberts’s books are just an easy read and again I was in bed for 2 days.
          Did a little gray Thursday/Black Friday shopping. We also took our first official family photos on Saturday. Overall it was a great week and I didn’t want it to end but now on to getting back to work and getting ready for Christmas!

Here is a peak at what we were up too the last week

 Aiden enjoying his cookie from his Thanksgiving party and attacking the Target toy book. He would say "mommy I but an X on that one I don't want it - Dolls are for gurls."

Felicity's Thanksgiving Bow - head to McKini's Blog for step by step directions. She has other cute bow tutorials too.

These are mommy's mild teething pops. We haven't tired them yet but Felicity has definitely starting teething so they will come in handy. I found them on Pinterest (love) through this blog.
What did you do over the break?

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

WWIW & Sharing

So in our house we work really hard to make sure we are sharing. We want Aiden to be good at sharing but with that there are some things I really don't want him to share! Over the last few weeks we have all been sharing a nasty sinus cold and a stomach bug has made an appearance the last few days. These are things I don't want to share but when you have kids it's hard not to pass them back and fourth. This is why I haven't updated in the last week - we have been trying to recover from the grossness of runny noses, stuffed up noses, sinus headaches, throw-up and other bathroom visits. I thought I would share with you the things that help us survive weeks like these:

   Boogie Wipes are the best invention for little snotty noses. We use to just buy the packs but now we buy the jumbo canister! Aiden will wake up in the morning begging for one of these. He even has a pack in his backpack that he uses at school. So glad for a school that allows him to do that!

This is my new best friend. I use to be a Tylenol Cold & Sinus girl but they had a recall and that that isn't recommended when nursing. Did a little digging and found this lovely drug. It even tastes good! Also there are loads of coupons our for it now (yippie)!

I used this when I was pregnant with Felicity and got a stomach bug and it came in very handy for Aiden this time around. It is on the expense side but it really helps him. The website has a coupon as does coupons.com right now.

Of course homemade soup, naps, movie nights also help. I think we are all finally on the mend. Hoping that by the weekend we can be free of sickness! What products to do you use to get through family sickness?

Don't worry I didn't forget about What I wore Wednesday! Here I am in all my glory (you can tell I worked really hard on this one)

Mom outfit alert!
Brown t-shirt - Old Navy (last season)
Tank- Target Nursing tank
Belt - Christmas Present Junior year of HS - it still fits!
Jeans- Buckle - really a garage sale- they are rolled up at the bottom
Shoes - Target - this summer

And a guest WFWW (What Felicity wore Wednesday):

Hairband and Socks - set from Dillards
"Cherry Cute" Outfit - Gymboree end of the summer. Her skirt even has cherries on it.