Friday, June 29, 2012

Working Mommy

So I never wanted to be one of those moms who dropped their kid off at daycare and then didn't go to work or an event, just dropped them off to get rid of them. Last week I dropped off Aiden on Friday and felt a little guilty. I mean technically on Friday's when I drop Aiden off at daycare I am going to work, it just happens to be that I am working from home - which has become the Starbucks next to his daycare. I get so much work done there, I don't think about the laundry, dirty dishes, or messy house I can just focus on work! Oh, and if you didn't pick up on it my love of Starbucks coffee. Aiden gets a day a "school" and I can get so much work done or errands ran. It's the best of both worlds! I know why mom's do it now.

My office away from the office!

Speaking of working, I can't believe that I only have a few weeks left. I filled out some things for maternity leave this week. I have been working hard to get everything in order for while I am gone and to be ready to hit the ground running for when I return since I come back for Registration/Orientation. I can't believe that I am going to be holding my sweet little girl in just a few weeks!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Someone's Birthday is coming!

I LOVE birthdays. I love to celebrate with friends, cake, the presents, cake, marking another year, and did I mention cake :) Well my birthday is right around the corner (the 12th) and this is my last birthday as just a mom to 1 kiddo - hopefully Felicity doesn't decide to come early! I will be spending the day working at the North American Christian Convention but I hoping my loving husband will plan me a nice meal at P.F. Chang's since I will be in Orlando (hint). The Saturday after my birthday my mom and best friend, Jill are throwing me a baby shower (more cake!) It's like celebrating my birthday all week! As I remember back to what it is like to have a newborn I am grateful for this week to focus on me a little before I become a sleep deprived nursing machine. But there are a few things I have been eying for my birthday and I thought I would share in case anyone was wondering...again hint hubby!
First, Bath & Body Works White Citrus Creamy Body Wash - My mom got me this for Mother's Day and I love it. It is so fresh and clean and has definitely helped with my itchy pregnancy skin.

These Tervis cups have me hooked. I love them, they keep hot things hot and cold things cold, they have a lifetime warranty! Who doesn't love the Crimson Tide and Polka dots? 

Since I am going back to work shortly after having Felicity, a new wardrobe is needed ;) One that lends it's self to nursing. I love all the nursing things at Old Navy and this is super cute!

This diaper bag is beautiful. I have a Vera Bradley bag from Aiden, and I could use it (probably will)  but they have updated their diaper bag since then. They are lined inside so cleaning up spills inside the bag is easier. I also love the 'Sittin in the Tree' collection  (of course it has been discontinued so I can't order it from them I have to stalk ebay for it)


Starbucks giftcards! Limiting my coffee intake with Felicity, I am ready to indulge in a few Coconut Mocha Fraps!! Yummy! Know what I am getting with my free birthday drink. (Yes, I do have a gold card)

Of course, none of these things really add up to just spending time with my family. I can't believe that our little family is going to be growing to 4 in just a few short weeks!


 We survived camp! It was so much fun - I loved seeing Aiden there since I spent summers there as a teenager. It just does my heart good to hear him say, "the Dottie Shaw." Which is the main building at camp. He wanted to stay longer and be a helper but mommy and daddy had to get back to work and I was afraid he was getting an ear infection. Once we got back to town, we headed to the doctor on Tuesday and Aiden informed his doctor that he had an ear infection but his mouth didn't hurt (I think this is from a fear of having the strep test done from the last appointment) after a quick look we determined it was just a sinus infection that we caught in time - thank goodness. So a new antibiotic and breathing treatments and he was good to go!
Helping do the Water Break!
No feeling well but still wanting to play!

Friday, June 15, 2012

34 weeks and counting...

I wanted to post about our trip to St. Augustine before I posted anything else but these past few weeks have just flown by, so maybe next week for that. Tomorrow we are headed to North Florida to spend a few days at church camp. I am not sure why we think it is a good idea to take the 34 week pregnant lady and the 3 year old but we are. We are actually going because the college's travel team will be there and I get to spend a few days with them - so camp is part of my job! Love it. So Tuesday will mark 35 weeks into this pregnancy. I am not sure where the time went, there is still so much I need/want to get done. Here is the 34 week dr. Apt update: - I am gaining weight (ha ha) - The doctor is 90% sure Felicity is head down - hope she is right - her heartbeat is strong - There is too much swelling on my legs so she requested I work from home 3 days a week to cut back on my hours sitting in a car. - our next appointment is on the 25th I will have the group b strep test and then my appointments will be weekly! And the countdown for Mimi's return has begun......20 days. I am so ready to have my mom back. Sorry no pictures doing this on the iPad and there aren't any on here :( Check back soon - possibly an update from camp.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

6 Years

6 years ago today, I put on a big white princess dress and my dad walked me down the aisle to marry my best friend. I can't believe Jesse and  I have been married for 6 years and together for almost 9! It's just crazy to think about. In 6 years we have been through graduating college, fighting over who does the laundry :), both of our parents divorces, me changing careers, moving, having a baby, buying our first house, medical procedures, commuting 2 hours a day, trying to get pregnant again, getting pregnant again. putting Aiden in daycare, deciding to move again. Not to mention just the adventures that come up in daily life. It's not always easy or pretty but when we stood in that church and said I do - no matter what, we meant it. I am so glad I get to spend my life with Jesse!