Saturday, May 9, 2015

May Goals

We will just pretend I accomplished loads in April! I did it was just mostly in my professional role and less in my personal one. But at last summer is here and onward we march.

Here is what I want to accomplish this month:

- Potty Train Felicity! She is moving to a new school in June and must be potty trained to start.

- Change her crib to big girl bed - we are firm believers in if she isn't crawling out - leave up the crib, we learned this the hard way with Aiden. Felicity will stay in her bed and be content until 8 - 8:30 and in parenting world that is just GLORIOUS!

-Build new dresser that we have had for over a month and sell the old one (need one??)
- Send a letter to each of my Grandmothers - I have been saving pictures for them and meaning to write these since December!

- Replace my iphone screen :(

- Get my passport for our CRUISE! 63 days but who's counting?

- Finish my MBA application essay

- hit up Disney a few more times before its so hot we can't breathe.

What are ya'll up to this month?

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