Here's how November went down:
Blog more - shooting for at least 2 times a week. - Did much better with this and learned how to schedule posts.
Finish my 2013 December Daily book: Yep it's still on the list, I've already decided that for 2014 I will be doing a digital "book." Well...about that.
Family Photos: get these done. We have done these the last 2 years and I really enjoy this yearly tradition. We have these scheduled for after Christmas.
Stick to our Black Friday List. - We did really good with this and actually ended up not getting things that we originally had on the list.
Get us on a cleaning schedule.- I have 2 kids it's like they know the house is clean and they decide to wreak it! I am not going to kill myself to keep this house spotless because I would never sleep if I did that but bathrooms have to get cleaned, sheets have to be washed, and laundry has to be washed. I just needed to get those things on a better schedule and now they are!
Finish putting the living room back together, we sold the entertainment center so now I get to have fun redesigning.
December Daily books - I just want to start working on last years...I can't even get that far.
Put Recipe binder together.
Sort and decide which pictures to hang.
I am stopping there because it's Christmas time and let's be honest it's going get crazy!
See previous months here!
Thursday, December 4, 2014
Friday, November 28, 2014
Thanksgiving Day Traditions
via |
The morning of Thanksgiving is one of my favorite times of the year. I get so excited for the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. I know it's awful lip syncing and promotions but I love it. I even record it so I can go back and watch the parts I miss while I am baking or when we switch to the Disney channel because the kids are over it. In fact I am watching it now! Another confession: I almost always cry when the parade starts and when that guy in the red suit show up at the end.
When I was in high school I discovered sweet potato casserole and it is know "my" dish. I love making it and it usually makes an appearance at Christmas too! I don't use a recipe, I just mix in the butter and brown sugar till it's good and I do a pecan topping. Think I will warm some up.
The newspaper, it's always dad's (aka Jesse) job to run out and acquire a coveted newspaper. I know most of the black Friday ads are on the internet now but there is just something about holding them in your hand. We snuggle up the on couch or sit at the table with coffee and flip through the ads marking things that might be worth it.
When we were young and kid-less we would head to the movies on Thanksgiving night. This year Jesse picked up a movie while we were at Target (yes, we stopped for a few things on Thanksgiving!, since my brother works for the company and he needs that extra time and half pay I am all for supporting and well let's be honest I am addicted to the store!) I am not going to name the movie because it's not worth it. But I am making this a revised tradition, where we watch a new movie that night.
We had such a good and busy Thanksgiving that the 2 pictures I took are a blurry mess but we enjoyed our time together. I hope you had a fabulous day and enjoyed all your traditions.
Saturday, November 22, 2014
Girl's Trip
Watch out here we come! Excited to be heading to our TN campus by way of Savannah today. The girls and I have been planning this trip since September, when I invited myself to tag along with them and then begged asked Jesse if I could leave him with the kiddos for 3 1/2 days.
Our plans include:
- Lunch at Lady & Sons...yummy
- Stroll downtown Savannah (which means pralines from River Street to me!!)
- All things Apple Barn - I can hardly wait - cider, doughnuts, pie, butter
- Shopping Gatlinberg - the coffee shop were my coffee obsession began is there!
- Looking at hiking trails :)
Our plans include:
- Lunch at Lady & Sons...yummy
- Stroll downtown Savannah (which means pralines from River Street to me!!)
- All things Apple Barn - I can hardly wait - cider, doughnuts, pie, butter
- Shopping Gatlinberg - the coffee shop were my coffee obsession began is there!
- Looking at hiking trails :)
Felicity at 28 Months
Our red headed beauty.
Felicity is becoming our grown up girl. She has really come out of her shell the last few months and is surprising me daily with her vocabulary. For a girl who at 1 1/2 had 5 words she is constantly talking. She is miss happy go lucky, go with the flow...most days. She can sit and read books for a good 30 minutes, or flip thru the photos and videos on my iphone naming everyone she sees. She say excuse me after very sneeze or burp and it's the cutest when she asks you to "skoosch." She wants to be like Aiden and will follow him around the house or copy what he is doing.
There are times when the Whitney temper comes out in her. She will pout and throw herself to the ground, usually if you walk away it will subside or if she see's on of "her" girls she will forget why she is upset. We tried over the summer to interest her in potty training but she wasn't feeling it, didn't even care that she had on wet panties. But in the last month she has showed interest in using the "toywet." so we will see where that goes.
Favorite Toys: Duplo legos, anything that involves a Disney princess (esp. Ariel, Anna, and Elsa), play purse, kitchen and pretending to cook (on her Christmas list)
Favorite thing about daycare/preschool: playing on the playground and coloring/art time
Favorite Foods: Mac and cheese, well cheese in general, pizza, green beans, gummies, and french fries
Felicity is becoming our grown up girl. She has really come out of her shell the last few months and is surprising me daily with her vocabulary. For a girl who at 1 1/2 had 5 words she is constantly talking. She is miss happy go lucky, go with the flow...most days. She can sit and read books for a good 30 minutes, or flip thru the photos and videos on my iphone naming everyone she sees. She say excuse me after very sneeze or burp and it's the cutest when she asks you to "skoosch." She wants to be like Aiden and will follow him around the house or copy what he is doing.
There are times when the Whitney temper comes out in her. She will pout and throw herself to the ground, usually if you walk away it will subside or if she see's on of "her" girls she will forget why she is upset. We tried over the summer to interest her in potty training but she wasn't feeling it, didn't even care that she had on wet panties. But in the last month she has showed interest in using the "toywet." so we will see where that goes.
Favorite Toys: Duplo legos, anything that involves a Disney princess (esp. Ariel, Anna, and Elsa), play purse, kitchen and pretending to cook (on her Christmas list)
Favorite thing about daycare/preschool: playing on the playground and coloring/art time
Favorite Foods: Mac and cheese, well cheese in general, pizza, green beans, gummies, and french fries
Monday, November 17, 2014
Aiden at 5.5
This little boy is becoming such a little man.
He gets so excited about fun things like school, soccer, and craft time. He loves to go into Felicity's room in the morning and help her out of her bed and they play pretend for an hour. They love to sit and look at books together. He is so comfortable on campus and at times I have to remind him that he can't just walk into apartments. He loves a good Disney day and knows his way around the parks like a pro. Core group on Thursday nights are one of his favorite times of the week and he loves going to Sunday school on Sundays, always greeting me with the story and memory verse for the week.
He is finding his words better now but he still gets upset and at times there are things thrown and remotes broken. He doesn't like time out or loss of privileges and those seem to bring on an attitude adjustment. While there are days that he eats constantly he hardly eats anything at school and the mention of eating in public brings on a meltdown of epic proportions. Jesse and I have talked about a therapist and I've read about childhood anxieties and it's common but frustrating for concerned parents. We are letting it run it's course right now and trying to redirect his anxiety.
Favorite Toys: Legos - everywhere!, action figures If there is a marker or glue stick to be found then you can bet this boy will find them and work for hours on projects.
Favorite thing about school - He would say being picked up, especially on a Ms. Ellie day. But he really enjoys art and music class. Academically he is doing well, the teacher says he likes to come in and get right to work.
Favorite food: Corn dog nuggets, Greek yogurt, broccoli, smoothies, couscous, popcorn, smarties
When he grows up he wants to be a construction worker.
Where did the time go? I am so amazed at how much he has grown!
He gets so excited about fun things like school, soccer, and craft time. He loves to go into Felicity's room in the morning and help her out of her bed and they play pretend for an hour. They love to sit and look at books together. He is so comfortable on campus and at times I have to remind him that he can't just walk into apartments. He loves a good Disney day and knows his way around the parks like a pro. Core group on Thursday nights are one of his favorite times of the week and he loves going to Sunday school on Sundays, always greeting me with the story and memory verse for the week.
He is finding his words better now but he still gets upset and at times there are things thrown and remotes broken. He doesn't like time out or loss of privileges and those seem to bring on an attitude adjustment. While there are days that he eats constantly he hardly eats anything at school and the mention of eating in public brings on a meltdown of epic proportions. Jesse and I have talked about a therapist and I've read about childhood anxieties and it's common but frustrating for concerned parents. We are letting it run it's course right now and trying to redirect his anxiety.
Favorite Toys: Legos - everywhere!, action figures If there is a marker or glue stick to be found then you can bet this boy will find them and work for hours on projects.
Favorite thing about school - He would say being picked up, especially on a Ms. Ellie day. But he really enjoys art and music class. Academically he is doing well, the teacher says he likes to come in and get right to work.
Favorite food: Corn dog nuggets, Greek yogurt, broccoli, smoothies, couscous, popcorn, smarties
When he grows up he wants to be a construction worker.
Where did the time go? I am so amazed at how much he has grown!
Sunday, November 9, 2014
November Goals
But first let's recap October goals, shall we?
Blog more: I did okay but not fabulous.
Eat less, workout more: I mean I was on vacation and a trip to the farm. Also I am an emotional eater so I am just happy I didn't gain 10 pounds.
Finish my 2013 December Daily book: no comment
Host an instagram sale - I gave up on this idea. I just don't have the time so a trip to Plato's Closet (resale shop) is in my future.
Declutter our living room: This is a husband and wife project that we didn't get to.
So basically I kinda stunk at this whole goal thing...well we just keep trying!
For November:
Blog more - shooting for at least 2 times a week.
Finish my 2013 December Daily book: Yep it's still on the list, I've already decided that for 2014 I will be doing a digital "book."
Family Photos: get these done. We have done these the last 2 years and I really enjoy this yearly tradition.
Stick to our Black Friday List.
Get us on a cleaning schedule.
Let's see how this month goes!
Here are my cuties all deck out for Halloween
My mom is amazing and made Aiden's Kristoff costume and Felicity's little cape. Felicity was only coaxed out of her Anna dress by Elsa and Anna pj's. She found her dress the other day and wanted to wear it to school! She is our little princess.
Blog more: I did okay but not fabulous.
Eat less, workout more: I mean I was on vacation and a trip to the farm. Also I am an emotional eater so I am just happy I didn't gain 10 pounds.
Finish my 2013 December Daily book: no comment
Host an instagram sale - I gave up on this idea. I just don't have the time so a trip to Plato's Closet (resale shop) is in my future.
Declutter our living room: This is a husband and wife project that we didn't get to.
So basically I kinda stunk at this whole goal thing...well we just keep trying!
For November:
Blog more - shooting for at least 2 times a week.
Finish my 2013 December Daily book: Yep it's still on the list, I've already decided that for 2014 I will be doing a digital "book."
Family Photos: get these done. We have done these the last 2 years and I really enjoy this yearly tradition.
Stick to our Black Friday List.
Get us on a cleaning schedule.
Let's see how this month goes!
Here are my cuties all deck out for Halloween
Kristoff & Anna |
My mom is amazing and made Aiden's Kristoff costume and Felicity's little cape. Felicity was only coaxed out of her Anna dress by Elsa and Anna pj's. She found her dress the other day and wanted to wear it to school! She is our little princess.
Monday, November 3, 2014
Saying Goodbye
You would think that I would be good at goodbyes - I moved almost every year and half until my senior year of high school. But I am not good at them and 2 weeks ago I had to say goodbye to my Papaw.
We returned from our Disney vacation on Sunday evening and collapsed into bed, around 4 am I was restless and dealing with a headache and I kept having a dream where papaw and I were talking. He wasn't doing good and I knew he was over cancer treatments, hospitals, and dialysis but I was hopping that he would make it to Christmas. My phone rang at 6 am and it was my mom, I listen to her tell me in between sobs that her "daddy" was gone. I felt numb, I remember asking Jesse to get me Advil and a washcloth and I laid in the bed until Aiden woke up around 7 am. Jesse and I decided to just reload the car and make a pit stop at Target for supplies. We figured we could be on the road by 10 (I later changed this to 12) Telling Aiden was heart breaking, he's 5 - he gets that papaw is gone to be with Jesus in Heaven but he doesn't understand the hurt that we are missing him. He's just so excited that we are getting two vacations and wants to make sure that Uncle Mikey will be there to take him on the tractor. He says things like, "Sissy, do you want to go to Mamaw's house? Mommy I said Mamaw's house because Papaw is gone."
We reload and I walk over to the office to tell my boss and HR that I will be gone longer than planned. I walk into Heather's office (grateful that my best friend works with me) and cry on her shoulder. I leave a few things for my students workers and we pull off campus. After a Target run (we weren't going to make the 10 hour drive without a dvd player) and a Chick-fli-a lunch we are on the road by 12:45. I was pretty proud of us. We only stopped to fill up the car and eat and that one stop at a RedBox in a Kroger for Frozen (daddy and Aiden didn't pack any princess movies.) As we go over Monteagle I can hear Papaw's voice, "sis, watch the trucks, don't go to fast." We pull into the farm around 11 pm farm time, midnight FL time. My mom meets us in the driveway to snuggle a sweet baby and cry with me before we go in. We go in and say hello to everyone but Mamaw who has already gone to sleep. The kids get a little loud and I try to calm them down so they don't wake her or Papaw - who isn't there. When we wake up the next morning there is Mamaw, sweeping the kitchen like always. Felicity jabbers away with her and I grab a cup of coffee waiting on Papaw to join me and Felicity for coffee and an oatmeal cookie, as we look out at the farm. My aunts and uncles arrive to load up and make the arrangements and Jesse and I are left to man the house. We have to head to town to get Aiden clothes, since mom of the year here left his suitcase in Florida.
I spend most of the day walking around the house just looking at things, remembering him and the times we had, smelling things, warming up food, and wrangling babies.
The two days that following are tough. There is a viewing - I always hate these but the funeral home did a wonderful portrait of Papaw and I feel like his blue eyes are telling me, "it's okay." We laugh, cry, hug and remember. We finish on Thursday with a funeral and a graveside song and prayer. They sang old hymns but with a banjo which I picture Papaw just clapping along with and fear for a moment that Aiden may start dancing along. We spend one more day at the farm before we pack up to leave and I spending it soaking in the last bits of Papaw to take home with me. Mamaw allows be to pick a flannel shirt and I soak in their smell before I select one with green stripes.
I've picked that shirt up in the last week to smell it more times than I can count.
I've thought of the time we went to SeaWorld and Papaw's face as Shamu jumped out of the water.
I've remember him clapping along during karaoke at our rehearsal dinner.
I've eaten sasauge and grape jelly biscuits becuase that's what he taught me.
I've smiled each time Aiden has said after someone sneezes, "scat there tom cat, your tails in the grave."
I've felt his hugs and his big hand hold mine.
I've cherished the memory of that one time he drove me and the kids around the farm and I helped him fish a calf out of the creek and how every time after that I dressed for farm work when we went on a ride and not in my good clothes.
When we pulled on campus Sunday afternoon I could see him riding a bike around the loop with a Papaw grin on his face.
I am not good at goodbyes because I want to hold on to the people that I love. I want to cling to them. I don't want to let go but God needs me to let go. Papaw needs me to love my family and be strong for them and help lead them. He needs me to help Aiden and Felicity remember him and they will.
And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28
We returned from our Disney vacation on Sunday evening and collapsed into bed, around 4 am I was restless and dealing with a headache and I kept having a dream where papaw and I were talking. He wasn't doing good and I knew he was over cancer treatments, hospitals, and dialysis but I was hopping that he would make it to Christmas. My phone rang at 6 am and it was my mom, I listen to her tell me in between sobs that her "daddy" was gone. I felt numb, I remember asking Jesse to get me Advil and a washcloth and I laid in the bed until Aiden woke up around 7 am. Jesse and I decided to just reload the car and make a pit stop at Target for supplies. We figured we could be on the road by 10 (I later changed this to 12) Telling Aiden was heart breaking, he's 5 - he gets that papaw is gone to be with Jesus in Heaven but he doesn't understand the hurt that we are missing him. He's just so excited that we are getting two vacations and wants to make sure that Uncle Mikey will be there to take him on the tractor. He says things like, "Sissy, do you want to go to Mamaw's house? Mommy I said Mamaw's house because Papaw is gone."
We reload and I walk over to the office to tell my boss and HR that I will be gone longer than planned. I walk into Heather's office (grateful that my best friend works with me) and cry on her shoulder. I leave a few things for my students workers and we pull off campus. After a Target run (we weren't going to make the 10 hour drive without a dvd player) and a Chick-fli-a lunch we are on the road by 12:45. I was pretty proud of us. We only stopped to fill up the car and eat and that one stop at a RedBox in a Kroger for Frozen (daddy and Aiden didn't pack any princess movies.) As we go over Monteagle I can hear Papaw's voice, "sis, watch the trucks, don't go to fast." We pull into the farm around 11 pm farm time, midnight FL time. My mom meets us in the driveway to snuggle a sweet baby and cry with me before we go in. We go in and say hello to everyone but Mamaw who has already gone to sleep. The kids get a little loud and I try to calm them down so they don't wake her or Papaw - who isn't there. When we wake up the next morning there is Mamaw, sweeping the kitchen like always. Felicity jabbers away with her and I grab a cup of coffee waiting on Papaw to join me and Felicity for coffee and an oatmeal cookie, as we look out at the farm. My aunts and uncles arrive to load up and make the arrangements and Jesse and I are left to man the house. We have to head to town to get Aiden clothes, since mom of the year here left his suitcase in Florida.
I spend most of the day walking around the house just looking at things, remembering him and the times we had, smelling things, warming up food, and wrangling babies.
The two days that following are tough. There is a viewing - I always hate these but the funeral home did a wonderful portrait of Papaw and I feel like his blue eyes are telling me, "it's okay." We laugh, cry, hug and remember. We finish on Thursday with a funeral and a graveside song and prayer. They sang old hymns but with a banjo which I picture Papaw just clapping along with and fear for a moment that Aiden may start dancing along. We spend one more day at the farm before we pack up to leave and I spending it soaking in the last bits of Papaw to take home with me. Mamaw allows be to pick a flannel shirt and I soak in their smell before I select one with green stripes.
I've picked that shirt up in the last week to smell it more times than I can count.
I've thought of the time we went to SeaWorld and Papaw's face as Shamu jumped out of the water.
I've remember him clapping along during karaoke at our rehearsal dinner.
I've eaten sasauge and grape jelly biscuits becuase that's what he taught me.
I've smiled each time Aiden has said after someone sneezes, "scat there tom cat, your tails in the grave."
I've felt his hugs and his big hand hold mine.
I've cherished the memory of that one time he drove me and the kids around the farm and I helped him fish a calf out of the creek and how every time after that I dressed for farm work when we went on a ride and not in my good clothes.
When we pulled on campus Sunday afternoon I could see him riding a bike around the loop with a Papaw grin on his face.
I am not good at goodbyes because I want to hold on to the people that I love. I want to cling to them. I don't want to let go but God needs me to let go. Papaw needs me to love my family and be strong for them and help lead them. He needs me to help Aiden and Felicity remember him and they will.
And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Planning: Our family vacation to Disney! Yes, we live 30 minutes and head there at least 2 times month but this is our time to leave campus and just relax. The kids are excited and I may or may not have a 3 page packing plan. We are staying on property at the Camp Wilderness Cabins.
The plan is to eat in the cabin more so we can enjoy bigger meals in the parks. Aiden is very excited about sleeping in bunk beds!
Cooking: We have been really good at meal planning lately which make my heart and bank account happy! I am so grateful for Pinterest and all the wonderful meals I find on there. Yesterday I put this honey garlic chicken in the crock-pot and it was so good. We had with couscous instead of rice and my kiddos favorite green beans! I also made this cold-brew coffee last night. It's still in the 90's here in sunny Florida so cold-brew is needed.
Wearing: I've been spending time really looking at all of the clothes that I try to squeeze into our small apartment closet and clear out the pieces that I really don't wear. I've also been using Pinterest to find different ways to wear the pieces that I love. I always forget to take a picture of myself during the day when I look put together and by the time I remember to take a picture it's right after we've put the kids to bed and I am looking a little rough but those are the real moments! So here I am rocking classic white and black in my messy room, with dirty mirrors, and an unmade bed!
Loving: My hair is crazy - I mean Scary Spice crazy! I have successfully burned it into submission over the last 10 years and I have an amazing hair dresser. He can get my hair to do things that just amaze me and I could never get my hair as straight with my straighter as he could....and then I found out my straighter is old and not the right type for my hair. Thanks Google! So after much begging Jesse bought me a new straighter! I got it at Ulta and this is the one I got. I reviews were so so but I have used it a few times now and I am in love. I even taught myself how to curl my hair with it too. I am in love I think I might get rid of all my other hair tools!
Ya'll have a great weekend! I am off to the happiest place on earth!
Monday, October 6, 2014
October Goals
As part of my fall resolutions I setting some monthly goals for myself as well:
Blog more: I want to keep doing this and do it well. That means dedicating time to do and not slipping into my out habits.
Eat less, workout more: My jeans need me to do this. I've been busting it with Jillian Michaels nightly.
Finish my 2013 Demecber Daily book: I know it's 2014 but I didn't finish last years. I have my days laid out and most of the pictures in order I just have to do the layouts. For more information on December Daily check here.
Host an instagram sale - I have some clothes that I want to get rid of but are still in good shape and I've watched another blogger have a lot of success with instagram sales. So be on the look out (mommyrudolph)
Declutter our living room: We live in an 1,100 sq. foot townhouse and we have HUGH Ikea furniture that is filling our living room not to mention all the toys that magically appear in there! I am finally giving up our entertainment center that I have made Jesse move 3 times.
It's like Ikea threw up in our living room! |
Here we go!
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Why I stink at this whole blogging thing
Here I am again ..taking 6 months to share our daily lives in this space. I've spent a month trying to come up with a clever way to come back. I even started a post but never finished here is why I awful at this whole blogging thing. My goal in sharing this is that I can hold myself accountable.
- I work a full time (24/7) job that I love but keeps me pretty busy. I can get a call at even given time from an RA that takes me away from anything I am doing at that moment. There is constantly an event taking place. We are 6 weeks into the new school year and this week I FINALLY don't feel like I am coming into work 2 weeks behind each day.
- I am a mom and a wife. I know you're shocked - those cuties up there are mine - it's not just a stock photo. I would rather spend time with them...most of the time. If I am not hanging out with them I am so exhausted from just parenting I don't want to focus on writing. Parenting is hard work ya'll. I feel like in just the last 3 weeks Aiden has finally hit this growth and maturity level that I am enjoying and Felicity is still pretty sweet...most of the time. I want to spend weekends at Disney not blogging. Those little boogers also cause loads upon loads of laundry and a never ending chore list.
- By the end of the day I am done! I am worn out - emotionally, physically, and mentally. I love to get settled into the couch with Jesse on one side and boyscout kettle corn on the other and watch the shows I have lined up on the Tivo or catch up on Bones on Netflix. Once I am settled I don't want to get up and get the computer - which is upstairs so I get the ipad and hello pinterest! ugh!
- I have blog envy.There are blogs that I love and when I look at how pretty they are and their beautiful pictures I just get upset that my pictures aren't edited or organized and then I get on pinterest to look at blog design and how to blog easier and then ...pinterest - you find a cute outfit or s'mores desert or diy project (that I will probably never do) and blogger is over.
I am tired of these excuses (no matter how cute they are). So I am making a change! Starting with today - it's like a new years resolution but in October.
- I work a full time (24/7) job that I love but keeps me pretty busy. I can get a call at even given time from an RA that takes me away from anything I am doing at that moment. There is constantly an event taking place. We are 6 weeks into the new school year and this week I FINALLY don't feel like I am coming into work 2 weeks behind each day.
- I am a mom and a wife. I know you're shocked - those cuties up there are mine - it's not just a stock photo. I would rather spend time with them...most of the time. If I am not hanging out with them I am so exhausted from just parenting I don't want to focus on writing. Parenting is hard work ya'll. I feel like in just the last 3 weeks Aiden has finally hit this growth and maturity level that I am enjoying and Felicity is still pretty sweet...most of the time. I want to spend weekends at Disney not blogging. Those little boogers also cause loads upon loads of laundry and a never ending chore list.
- By the end of the day I am done! I am worn out - emotionally, physically, and mentally. I love to get settled into the couch with Jesse on one side and boyscout kettle corn on the other and watch the shows I have lined up on the Tivo or catch up on Bones on Netflix. Once I am settled I don't want to get up and get the computer - which is upstairs so I get the ipad and hello pinterest! ugh!
- I have blog envy.There are blogs that I love and when I look at how pretty they are and their beautiful pictures I just get upset that my pictures aren't edited or organized and then I get on pinterest to look at blog design and how to blog easier and then ...pinterest - you find a cute outfit or s'mores desert or diy project (that I will probably never do) and blogger is over.
I am tired of these excuses (no matter how cute they are). So I am making a change! Starting with today - it's like a new years resolution but in October.
Friday, April 25, 2014
When Mommy is busy.....
...the stairs fill up with things to go upstairs
... mommy's craft corner looks like it exploded
... we watch more tv, play more on the ipad
... we love more and cry more too
... the laundry gets done but not put away
... we have a typo on the 5th birthday invite that was already sent out
... the 5th birthday party gets planned the week before it happens
... pictures sit on the camera
... social media becomes annoying and a hassle (hence the no blogging)
... we enjoy more friend and family time
...Felicity gets sick
...more laudry
...dreams of summer
... life moves on
... mommy's craft corner looks like it exploded
... we watch more tv, play more on the ipad
... we love more and cry more too
... the laundry gets done but not put away
... we have a typo on the 5th birthday invite that was already sent out
... the 5th birthday party gets planned the week before it happens
... pictures sit on the camera
... social media becomes annoying and a hassle (hence the no blogging)
... we enjoy more friend and family time
...Felicity gets sick
...more laudry
...dreams of summer
... life moves on
Monday, March 3, 2014
Finish This Week 8
5 Things I know for sure
1. God's plans are not always my plans. I have to always have faith and trust in him. As much as stress there has never been a time when he as let me down.
2. My husband can drive me crazy but he is my best friend and I love him more each day. Because of him I have 2 beautiful children.
3. Family is important and it's who you make it. Just because someone isn't related to you by blood or marriage doesn't mean they can't be part of your family. I am forever grateful for the "adoptive" relatives I have in my life and the lives of my children.
4. A day at Target, Starbucks, or Disney can solve any problem.
5. I am a Florida Girl! I don't like cold or snow, give me the beach. As I type this I am sitting in Knoxville, TN with a chance of snow - yuck!
Linking up with Nicole, Lisa, Jen, and Becky for Finish This!
1. God's plans are not always my plans. I have to always have faith and trust in him. As much as stress there has never been a time when he as let me down.
2. My husband can drive me crazy but he is my best friend and I love him more each day. Because of him I have 2 beautiful children.
3. Family is important and it's who you make it. Just because someone isn't related to you by blood or marriage doesn't mean they can't be part of your family. I am forever grateful for the "adoptive" relatives I have in my life and the lives of my children.
4. A day at Target, Starbucks, or Disney can solve any problem.
5. I am a Florida Girl! I don't like cold or snow, give me the beach. As I type this I am sitting in Knoxville, TN with a chance of snow - yuck!
Linking up with Nicole, Lisa, Jen, and Becky for Finish This!
Sunday, March 2, 2014
Attitude Adjustment
See that sweet face? Well, while we love him dearly he has been going through the "unfortunate fours." Aiden didn't really go through the terrible twos so I was hoping we would just slide right into a happy preschool stage. We slid into it all right, kicking and screaming!
It seemed like every day was a battle and I fear a call from his teacher. That call usually meant I was headed to pre-k to pick him up. In class he would completely melt down and then start destroying the room or start hitting other students because he didn't like what they were doing or saying. At home he had moments of listening and helpfulness but we were spending most of our time yelling at him and making threats. I was exhausted and had no idea what to do with this child who wasn't my sweet Aiden all the time.
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We don't normally take pictures but he was being so dramatic and when we started taking the pictures he started laughing. |
I tried everything I could think of...reward chart, time out, spanking, yelling, locking him in his room, crying (me not him), putting toys in garbage bags. Aiden starting calling me "boring mommy" and wanted to know if that was who was going to be at home with him after school. I started to feel hopeless and like I was letting my son down and myself. I didn't know what to do and Aiden seemed to be getting worse. I talked to my mom, other mommy friends, read countless blogs then finally I turned to the expert, Nanny Jo. That's right I ordered this book.
I devoured that book, then Jesse and I came up with a game plan. Our biggest issue was our trying to reward Aiden for behavior when he should be good no matter what. Aiden was also getting the best of us at times when it came to negative behavior, he knows your buttons and exactly how to push them. Now I simply walk away or send him to his room, he is not happy with that response so his behavior is usually quick to change. We also weren't praising Aiden enough for the small things, like being patient, helping Felicity, using his manners. It's easy to give him negative feedback all the time but he needs the good too.
Today, that boy is doing great and his mom and dad are improving daily! We are 3 weeks into Nanny Jo"ing" it and we have had all good days at school and our behavior at home has had a complete turn around!!!
Mommy Friends: How did you handle bad behavior? Are your kids going through the same thing?
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Finish This - Week 7
1. I plan on buying .... these gray jeans I have been looking every where for a pair of these. I am headed to the mall tomorrow and they are on my must have list.
2. I give Seventh Generation five stars because... they make wonderful diapers that don't break Felicity out and they hold everything in! (They could be cuter but not as important to us as no latex) They also make great cleaning products that I can use around the kiddos.
4. I feel about swimsuit shopping like I do... going to the dentist. I hate going but after the somewhat painful experience I am glad I did it.
Linking up with Nicole, Lisa, Jen, and Becky for Finish This!
Some weeks are crazy weeks but we finish them out with a day off at Disney and then a Saturday at Disney too. A good end to a crazy week.
Saturday, February 15, 2014
Finish This - Week 6
I celebrate Valentine’s Day by... We don't like dealing with the Valentine's Day crowd so we stay in and go out a few days before. But there is usually a card, candy, a few gifts, and flowers involved.
My heart goes pitter-patter for... (besides my hubby and kiddos) Disney, almost anything at Target, Starbucks (Coconut Mocha Frap), houndstooth print, if it's cute and in green I am there!
When looking for romance, my best advice is... Disney Princes are just fairy tales. Don't be disappointed when your guys doesn't meet Disney's standard of romance.
My favorite love story (real or fiction) is... Fiction: Harry and Ginny from Harry Potter Series, I am a sucker for Hallmark movies! Real: My cousin Jessica and her husband Jay, our C.O.O Dr. Eubanks and his wife Margret (they way they look at one another brings me to tears.)
The best relationship/love/dating advice I ever received was... "There are always more fish in the sea." Professor Bundy, loved by all at JUFL (FCC) This dating advice is probably what kept me from getting discouraged when I kept dating the wrong guy.
Linking up with Nicole, Lisa, Jen, and Becky for Finish This!
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Date Nights
This past summer when Jesse and I turned down an invitation to an event on our wedding anniversary we were told, "that happens every year, this event doesn't." I was frustrated with this statement, because our anniversary is a celebration of our marriage which is very important and I never want to let something come in front of it. Jesse and I watched both of our parents get divorced after we were married and we see how important it is to celebrate every milestone and victory. Our anniversary is a day we set aside for just us. Life gets crazy sometimes and we don't always get date nights but we decided from Honeymoon out that first weekend in June was ours.
I love my children very much but Jesse is my best friend and I crave adult conversation with him. Conversations that don't involve medical bills, what groceries we need, what time this or that is, or to orchestrate the laundry schedule. Sometimes we are so mentally and physically exhausted we just get in bed and say goodnight.
This year one of our goals is to have more date night where we leave the kiddos and escape. So we are a month and 2 weeks into 2014 and are up to 2 dates! I love dating my husband he is a funny guy and he knows how to make me smile. He knows I crave shopping and I want him to react and not just say, "yea, that looks good."
I share all this to say, wives date your husbands (and not just because it's Valentine's week.) Celebrate your anniversary every year it doesn't have to be big, but remember that date (although I don't recommend showing your 4 year old your wedding video, he'll just tell you it's boring!) and that feeling. I always come back from date nights feeling refreshed and with a "we can do this" attitude. I want Aiden and Felicity to see that mommy and daddy need this time and that it is important. I want them learn that your marriage is important and is the key to building a healthy family.
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Young love at a UCF homegame |
I love my children very much but Jesse is my best friend and I crave adult conversation with him. Conversations that don't involve medical bills, what groceries we need, what time this or that is, or to orchestrate the laundry schedule. Sometimes we are so mentally and physically exhausted we just get in bed and say goodnight.
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Honeymoon Cruise |
This year one of our goals is to have more date night where we leave the kiddos and escape. So we are a month and 2 weeks into 2014 and are up to 2 dates! I love dating my husband he is a funny guy and he knows how to make me smile. He knows I crave shopping and I want him to react and not just say, "yea, that looks good."
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My favorite place |
I share all this to say, wives date your husbands (and not just because it's Valentine's week.) Celebrate your anniversary every year it doesn't have to be big, but remember that date (although I don't recommend showing your 4 year old your wedding video, he'll just tell you it's boring!) and that feeling. I always come back from date nights feeling refreshed and with a "we can do this" attitude. I want Aiden and Felicity to see that mommy and daddy need this time and that it is important. I want them learn that your marriage is important and is the key to building a healthy family.
Saturday, February 8, 2014
Finish This - Week 5
I will never outgrow... Disney. I instantly become a little girl when we arrive on property. I LOVE that place. When we got our annual passes this year I cried! It is my greatest escape!
I splurge on... Disney Annual Passes. It's a big splurge for us but it has also been very rewarding and refreshing.
My worst habit is ... I make this noise by swallowing that itches my ears...Jesse absolutely hates it!
My passport represents... a mission trip to Jamaica during high school and my maiden name. It's probably time to get a new one.
My most ridiculous fear is...walking over sewer grates, I have a huge fear of falling in or something reaching thru and grabbing me.
My favorite thing to give is...
a handmade card. I like to use colors I know the person likes and a theme that suits them with lots of pretty layers.
Joining a little late but linking up with Nicole, Lisa, Jen, and Becky for Finish This!
Welcome Back
Well here we are back in action and in green!
Let's get to know each other again.
I am Whitney - I love baking, attempting diys, crafting, saving money, and loving Jesus. I think Target, Disney and Starbucks can solve any problem. I blog here about our crazy life. I am married to this handsome guy, Jesse who still loves Lego's and video games and has a day job crunching numbers.
This is our overactive 4 year old, Aiden. We have entered pre-k and have spent this year adjusting to life in the classroom. He is a typical boy and loves monster trucks, all sports, and making a mess!
Here is our sweet red headed beauty, Felicity. She makes us want 15 more kids as long as they were just like her! She is a very relaxed kiddo and just loves to be where ever we are. Ariel is her favorite Disney princess :)
We had a busy few months and feel like we have finally gotten the hang of living on a Christian University, working 2 full time jobs, Pre-k and daycare, so here we go!
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