Felicity Lee made her debut on Friday, July 27 at 5:07 pm
Here is her birth story:
So I just knew she would come before my scheduled induction - we walked, mom did pressure points, I bounced on the Pilates ball, went to Target almost everyday (walking is important you know!) But no action from this little girl. So at the ungodly hour of 3am Jesse, mom and I arrived at the hospital. Being induced which was a huge fear for me. I worried that I would be in labor for days, not be able to do it naturally, or have to have a c-section. As soon as they had me back in the room I was regretting agreeing to the Friday induction and wishing I waited until Monday. But not in the plan. I was only a 2 when they checked me and Felicity still didn't have her head low enough! They even did an ultrasound to make sure her head was down. That was a little nerve wrecking. By 5 am the pitocin was pumping in. I spent the next few hours taking a nap, watching some tv, and planning a friends upcoming shower. At 9:30 am the doctor came in and broke my water and I went from a 2 to a 3....ugh this was dragging on - I was not happy. Around 10 am, Mom kicked me out of the bed ("when you are laying down gravity is working against you." If I had a dollar every time I heard that). She requested a birthing ball, and I bounced around the room (not really but it would've been fun!)I just sat on it, walked the whole 5 feet I could with the monitors hooked up. I need to mention my AMAZING nurse Daphne at this point - she was great and kept bringing me popsicles. By 12 pm I was actually developing contractions!! I thought I would be holding her by 12 so I was not thrilled by this! By 3 pm I was a 5 almost 6...ugh I was ready to kill someone at this point. I was also entering into pitocin active labor which is like regular labor on crack!! Those contractions were a nightmare. I did a little begging for some drugs or anything to get this baby out! But my mom, Jesse, and Daphne said no you can do this and I was offered another popsicle. Daphne also said she would check me again at 4 pm and if I was an 8 we would start pushing. I could do that! I was the queen of Lamaze and if I didn't do the Lamaze during a contraction I was not a nice person so they would all yell at me to breath and I would catch it and on we would get through it. At 4 pm I was 8, so that meant pushing was right around the corner!!! Daphne called the doctor and we started pushing (when I say we I mean me :) ) 2 big pushes got her head down (apparently my kids have bigger heads!) and the doctor arrived! 3 pushed and there was a little girl on my chest - with a head full of red hair! But I noticed when they put her on me she was a not the right color and they whisked her away so fast. Mom and Jesse were acting kinda weird but as planned mom stayed with me and Jesse headed over to the corner to watch her. Mom kept leaning down and whispering loving things in my ear and I kept looking at Jesse and wondering why there were so many nurses checking on Felicity. Then I heard her sweet cries and the mood in the room changed. When I was pushing at some point the umbilical cord got wrapped around her throat but my doctor was on top of it and she only needed about 20 seconds of oxygen to get her going. She was a pretty pink and in my arms in no time!
Meeting Big Brother |
After a bath! |
Sleeping Beauty |
Ready to go home. |
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