6 years ago today, I put on a big white princess dress and my dad walked
me down the aisle to marry my best friend. I can't believe Jesse and I
have been married for 6 years and together for almost 9! It's just
crazy to think about. In 6 years we have been through graduating
college, fighting over who does the laundry :), both of our parents
divorces, me changing careers, moving, having a baby, buying our first
house, medical procedures, commuting 2 hours a day, trying to get
pregnant again, getting pregnant again. putting Aiden in daycare,
deciding to move again. Not to mention just the adventures that come up
in daily life. It's not always easy or pretty but when we stood in that
church and said I do - no matter what, we meant it. I am so glad I get
to spend my life with Jesse!

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