Wednesday, April 18, 2012


As I sit to type this my husband asks, "How far are you behind?" Almost like the blog is an assignment - I answer with, "so far behind" At this point he is really the only one reading it so does it really matter if I update it every other day? But then I think this was a task I gave myself and I wanted to update it at least every other day. I mean there are a few other blogs I read and I kinda get depressed when they haven't updated in a few days so why do I expect them to do it if I can't even get my act together to write a post! So lets see if I can do better! Here's a run down of where we are in the Land of the Rudolphs:

Aiden will be starting preschool on May 1!  He has been going to "school" a few hours for the last 2 weeks but he will go 3 days a week starting May 1. He seems to really like the school/daycare and we love the price and pay system. His birthday is right around the corner, I just can't believe he will be 3. What happened to my baby??

Felicity continues to grow and make herself known. We ordered her bed and dresser/changing table and they should be here by the end of the week!! Aiden comments weekly that my belly is getting bigger! Here is the my "bump" picture from 25 weeks: 

Aiden said we were taking bum pictures!                   

Jesse has just been Jesse. There isn't too much going on in his work right now so it's a nice down time for him. He has been doing his fair share of household duties since I prefer to stay away from the chemicals.

Me, well I am definitely feeling pregnant these days. If I eat too much I really just can't even function. Graduation is next week so I am swamped at work. It literally looks like the copier threw-up on my desk. My next doctors appointment is April 30 and it is the oh so lovely glucose test...yum! It's also time to register at the hospital - how did we get to this point already?  I don't feel ready for her at all. But that is what the month of May is for, June is to recover and prepare for maternity leave and July is to sit in the pool!!

Be ready for tomorrow's post!! (Hopefully) I leave you with our lovely Easter picture.

1 comment:

  1. Hey now! I'm reading too Whit! I may not get to read it everyday, but I love reading it so far. Keep up the good work, little momma!
