Thursday, September 13, 2012

Home Sweet Home

For the past few days this has been my life:

But today the doctors sent us home! Living at the hospital since Monday night has been exhausting-emotionally, mentally, and physically. I have told 25 people why I brought Felicity in, I have asked a million questions, I have jumped each time the pulseox went off or Felicity coughed. Most of that isn't going to change now that we are home except we don't have the pulseox here. There is a part of me that is nervous for this first night home (I probably will not sleep very well - I've come to terms with that) and another part of me that knows it was time to come home. Felicity has improved and we don't want her to catch something from the hospital. So being home is were we belong. 

Reasons I am glad we are home:
  • I needed a real shower! 
  • to watch Aiden rub Felicity's head and sing Beautiful, beautiful (his version of Beautiful One) 
  • getting to sleep in a real bed for me and Felicity
  • Trying to find the new normal
  • No one is going to come in my room every 2 hours to take Felicity's temperature or blood pressure
  • The pulseox isn't going to go off
  • No more hospital food (the only good part was the desserts!)
  • COFFEE!!
Friends have asked a lot of questions about what Felicity has and if she is 100% better this is a tough question to answer. So I will attempt the best I can. 

What does she have?
    Felicity has a form of bronchitis. She had some nasal drainage that made it's way to her chest (she doesn't know how to blow her nose yet) and just sat there causing her to have to work much harder to breath and causing a nasty cough.  When babies are this little and it's hard to breath they just stop. We noticed the signs of labored breathing and if you read my last post you see that lead us to the hospital. We did find out that she could have RSV since some times babies this small will give a false negative. 

Is she better?

   Yes, but she has a long way to go. She will still have a cough, runny nose, congestion for about 10 -14 days. She is now open to get this again. We may be back in the hospital in 2 month (we are going to do everything we can to avoid that.) Because my red headed princess is fair skinned she has a higher chance of having asthma (which isn't diagnosed until 4 and my mom has), allergies (we all have those), and eczema (which runs in my family.) Felicity is limited with who she can come in contact with, we have to make sure that anyone who is remotely feeling like they might have a cold stays away from her. We have to wash our hands constantly and change clothes when we come homr from work or school(Aiden.) For the next week or so she won't be going to any parties or church, trips to town will require her to be covered up or in a sling against mommy.

 She has to have breathing treatment every 4 hours for the next 24 hours and then as need until her chest is clear. She still coughs but is able to get the mucus up (it's as gross as it sounds). Bottles or formula aren't in her future since she needs to nurse because that is the best and she could be allergic to formula. 

But we are HOME and we are happy to be here. Our little princess is still as cute as ever and smiling and cooing at us. Aiden is as feisty as ever and ready to rule the house again! 

Off the Oxygen!
Telling Mimi about her rough day.
Finally a cute outfit after days of hospital attire.
Our wagon to the car. One nurse asked us if we had been there for 3 weeks! 

 Thank you for all of your prayers, emails, and Facebook comments. We are so blessed to call you our friends and family.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Sometimes breathing is hard

I sit writing this message from the hospital...yep the hospital. Not where I thought I would be 6 weeks after I gave birth. I was suppose to be sitting back in my desk today,  but sometimes it hard to breath for little girls.

Sweet Princess
 After a doctor's appointment for a stuffy nose and cough yesterday revealed that Felicity was having labored breathing and she was still that way at 5pm after breathing treatments and oral steroids, we headed to the ER. The ER doctors made me feel like I was overreacting - hello she is 6 weeks old people and my doctor said go to the hospital! Thank goodness the pediatric doctor wanted her to stay, so after the tear-inducing, gut-turning lap work (you never want to watch a newborn have blood work done) upstairs we went. As soon as they got her in her room and hooked up to an oxygen reader her oxygen dipped to the 80's (should stay around 95 or higher) so she was put on oxygen. Here were are 24 hours after we got to the ER and still on the oxygen :(

    What we know: - She doesn't have RSV, Flu, or pneumonia
                              - She does have an ear infection..again - left ear this time
                              - Her chest cold is breaking up
                              - We are here for a least another night
                              - how to love and cuddle her
                              - that our family is loved and prayed for
                              - that we have an awesome God 

What we don't know: - When we will get to go home
                                   -  When her breathing will improve
                                    - If this will scar her lungs
                                   - what is causing her allergies/stuffy nose that leads to drainage

 My heart breaks each time I hear her little cry and I wish so bad I could just make her better by cuddling her. My family is so blessed to be so loved by so many people. We feel truly blessed to be loved and prayed upon by so many.

Sleeping peacefully
Trying to escape!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

What I Wore Wednesdays

* Yea! A new post on what I wear - how exciting I know. But I thought it my help to show how I make outfits work that are nursing friendly. Guys should probably just ignore these posts*

I try to dress cute but I am not super stylish - for the last 9 months I've been kind of limited! Each Wednesday I will share how I make my everyday and work attire work for nursing. The pictures will improve from the headless, mirror shots! 

Everyday attire:

Top: Target Liz Lang Maternity, Tank: Target Nursing, Pants: Target Liz Lang, Shoes: Walmart
     Target is obviously a favorite of mine. This shirt is great since it has the criss-cross neck line, makes easy nursing especially if I am out in public and having to nurse under a wrap.  I am still wearing some of my maternity pants (come on hips). If you are going to be nursing I HIGHLY recommend these tanks in as many colors as possibly. They are comfy, long, and look just like a regular tank.

Work attire: 

Dress: Target (on clearance!) Tank: Target Nursing Shoes: Target (from Goodwill)
 I am not officially back at work yet but I made an appearance at our first chapel of the year. This dress proved to be great, again with the criss-cross front.

Just for fun here are some of my recent Target clearance items: 

Wanted this watch for my birthday, got it for $6. 50!

Jeans that don't have an elastic band at the top, for $8.20.
 These jeans are bigger then I will admit but I know they are just for this stage of my body changing. 
I didn't find her at Target but she is the best! 

 Yes that is hounds tooth in her ribbon...Roll Tide Roll!

Well there it is the first WIWW, enjoy if your nursing!