A little bit about our family....
My husband and I met our Senior year of high school (sorry to disappoint - we aren't high school sweethearts.) His girlfriend was in my English class that's how we met! We also ending up working at the our local theater through college. We became friends and starting dating. My dad was a youth minister my whole life and I was very involved in the our church and youth program. I know Jesse was the one when he jumped right in and helped. He fit with my family so well I use to joke that they liked him better! We got engaged December 20, 2005 (that is a long story that will have to wait).
On June 3, 2006 we were married by our good friend, Jeremy and had a blast celebrating with our family.
We both need to graduate college at this time so I went to work full-time as an office coordinator and Jesse finished his degree at the University of Central Florida. We promised my dad that there would be no babies until we were all graduated and had stable jobs. So we plugged away at our degrees. Jesse graduated in May 2007 and went to work full time at Wycliffe Bible Translators in their finance department. I left my office coordinator position to work as an assistant manager at the theater we worked at in high school and to take on more classes. I graduated in May 2008 and handed my dad the picture below in September of 2008!
I worked at the theater my whole pregnancy and LOVED it! All you can eat popcorn - hello! On May 5, 2009 after 8 hours of labor and no drugs - Aiden Philip was born at 9 lbs. 4 oz 20 1/2 inches long! If you knew or know how much Mexican food I ate during this pregnancy then you understand why Aiden came on Cinco de Mayo.

Aiden is the best and we are totally in love with him. In August 2009 we move to Melboure, FL to be closer to my parents and the church they were working with. I also got a job teaching at a private special needs school. Jesse stayed with Wycliffe and commuted. In April of 2010, my dad left the ministry and became someone we didn't recognize (again, that is a long story). I struggled with this and was not happy at my "dream"job of teaching. I am doubting everything I have every believed in and I am sadden to think I moved my family here for no reason. After a much need trip to a youth leaders retreat I found myself again. I boldly left my job not knowing how I would help Jesse support our family. But God provided the perfect job at Florida Christian College. So now we both commute (since we bought a house and took the $8000 tax credit) and plan on one day moving back to Oviedo where we met and fell in love!

To top all of that off we will welcome Miss Felicity Lee Rudolph in July of this year!